LOVE & Ministry
This page is dedicated to the LOVE and LIFE that keeps me going.
I've known since an early age that I have a calling and I've been chosen to give a WORD that isn't made up or orchestrated by the ways of the WORLD. I only stand as an antenna and just let message come through. So here are post, messages, moment, words and LOVE I must share. There's no way I could explain it, or give an reason why I share this. Other than, it's the truth and I stand by it.
Embrace & be open.

Favor In the Fire
Sunday August 13, 2023.
I was asked by Min. Chauncey Evans to join him in his delivery for service at Love Center Ministries. He gave me a title for message. Favor In the Fire, based on Daniel 3 in the Bible. Before the service, Min. Evans told me that he had made a mistake in the title and it was actually, Faith In the Fire. At this moment, I was clear that he and I both would deliver GOD's message, but he was share the Faith in the Fire and I would share, the Favor in the Fire.

Sunday Feb 18, 2024
I spoke about holding on, and letting go. What does it mean to HOLD ON? How long do we hold on for? When to let go?
"I think the key to this holding on and letting go is opposed to grasping and falling off." Bridget Q. Pretzold
Watch the videos in Ministry.
Hold On - Dance
Hold On - Message
Hold On - Song

Can't Wash Off the Blood... My first Lead of Service.
This is my very first lead of service. A new level for me. I have been called to take lead the last Sunday of each month at LOVE CENTER. Please take some time and watch, and please join me.

First Sunday July 2, 2023
This was a wonderful service. Giving LOVE to all the women. I asked dancers at NSMDANCE to join me in this moment, and what an amazing time we had. 3 dances and a new song with the simple of BE GRATEFUL by Walter Hawkins and the Love Center Choir.